Phone preamp question

Guys, can I take a phono preamp (Bellari vp130 mk2) which has a gain control and plug it directly into an amp (Odyssey Audio Stratos) using the gain control as a volume control or do I need a preamp? If I need a preamp, will a non powered passive one do anything? Thanks!


The Bellari might have enough voltage to drive an amp, try it and see. Turn the gain DOWN at first. A passive preamp will not help as it attenuates the gain and has no gain of its own. Not sure if the Bellari will be a good match to your amp but it's worth a try. 

A phono preamp and a passive preamp does not have enough voltage to use with an amp directly. You need an active preamp!

Thanks all!

Didn't think a non powered passive would do anything.

Since it won't hurt anything, when the phono pre comes in I'll hook it direct. Won't have high expectations.

Jerry, I'll check out that pre. 

This is for a simple interim turntable system, so no big spending.

Thanks again, guys!