What is Your End Game System?

How do you "measure" your end game system? Is it by budget, how much it cost? Is it by the luxuriousness of your build and room?

Is it by your components being either state of the art or unobtanium? Is it by the satisfaction you get when you are sitting in your listening chair?

What is your end game system and how do you know when you have reached it?


The closest I have gotten to a custom built room was moving from a condo where you can never "unleash the beast" to a house where noise complaints aren't an issue. In the back of my room I have too much open space but found moveable acoustic panels and other work arounds that were the best compromise I could find. That will be a great goal though, to move up to a custom built theater/room.

Unleashing the beast is sometimes more important than a perfect room with golden ratios and treatment. I am happy that my current house is free standing and no neighbours to complain. Nothing beats +90db of Gojira 🤘

I like the race car analogy.

To make it faster and better there are hundreds or thousands of elements.

As with a stereo system.

Can a destination system be attainable? Or will “audiophilia” prevent this?

In retirement, my system has become central. 4 hours of vinyl and 4 hours of 2 channel HT. Cool “job”.

Recently “coming home” to Quad 57s, there is a search for the “right” amp.

This also brought up upgrading my analog front end.

The end is not quite in sight, but maybe close?


FWIW, I just added the before and after calibration measurements of my system in my profile/virtual system if anyone is interested. The calibration software was the paid upgrade for Audyssey Pro license and the necessary calibrated mic which is on a totally different level than the software and mic that comes with the unit when you buy it.


I like the race car analogy.

@mglik the race car analogy is good.
…most people want to spend money on every part for just a chance of speed, and fewer spend the money on the driver training, which can be applied to any vehicle that they get into.

@kota1 mentioned measuremen@ghdprentice mentioned speaker placement. These are the overlaps with race car analogy.
Until a driver is consistent, it is a waste of time to use their lap times as a metric for speed improvements.

The other overlap is trying to use money to make up for skill… which might be akin to using ICs to make up for system deficiencies?