What is Your End Game System?

How do you "measure" your end game system? Is it by budget, how much it cost? Is it by the luxuriousness of your build and room?

Is it by your components being either state of the art or unobtanium? Is it by the satisfaction you get when you are sitting in your listening chair?

What is your end game system and how do you know when you have reached it?


@chiadrum , first, welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story in this thread. Man, it must be great to get what you want jumping right into the hobby. There are many members that have a lot of experience with tubes (not me though) :). Klipsch are typically very efficient speakers and that is a good formula for some of those tube amps with lower power. Do those Cornwall's need a lot of space?

I have a Klipsch Gate streamer that I use in the kitchen paired with an active speaker and a great Klispch integrated amp called the Powergate. Both are part of my DTS Play-Fi whole house audio setup. They are more entry level products and still sound great. Congrats!!

I am rapidly approaching my end game system. The only significant upgrades left are replacing linear power supplies, and some fuses.

My desired end system is definitely measured by budget, number 1. Second is the space I have available. These constraints are concrete, but most important in any purchase is its sound. Does it suit my listening preferences.

I’m happy with my amp, streamer and master clock in present form, but these could and may be upgraded if sufficient funds fall my way.

Have sorted speakers, DDC, Dac, network switch, speaker cables (just recently), USB cable, clock cable, footers, power cables, digital cable, interconnects; all as final purchases.


Having been in this hobby for 46 years, I unable to fully describe the pleasure I get from my system as it stands. Unbelievable, from where it started.


@jerrybj , congratulations! I am noticing in this thread that attention to the details is important. May I ask which network switch you chose? That is something I am currently shopping for. Can you please post your system and some pics in your profile? Thanks


I like doing things a little outside the norm.

Was initially looking at a Fidelizer Etherstream, as I began researching things.

I took the Cisco SG110D-08 they used, bought one on Ebay UK, and sent it to Fidelity Audio for them to put in their C4Mk2 clock. Small footprint, 12v input, and no tax/import duty!

Loving what does in my system.

Endgame system would consist of:

Speakers: Von Schweikert

Digital: Esoteric

Amps: Lamm or Esoteric

Preamp: Lamm or Esoteric

I'd be happy with the above.