Dedicated room suggestions

Hi all. I have an unfinished room that is 13x16.10. 
My system is a Cary Audio Tube amp, DMS650 streamer and DAC. And my very large Klipsch Cornwall IV speakers. 
I’m new to the game and looking for suggestions regarding layout and room treatments. Wondering if the speakers should go on the 13’ wall or the other way around. And any acoustic panels that can enhance sound, how many and where should they go?
Thanks in advance. 


For better or worse, my last three listening rooms have  had the speakers & me sitting along (though not actually against, of course) the longer walls. Whether it's mental or actually true, I simply get a larger, wider image, with image depth remaining largely the same. I get better bass balance, as well.

I’m a newbie to the hifi game but based on the recommendation of another much more seasoned audiophile, I contacted GIK Acoustics.  I sent my room dimensions, concerns and pictures and within a few days I was sent back an incredibly detailed analysis with recommendations from a sound engineer regarding speaker placement and treatment options. Analysis didn’t cost a penny, although i was impressed enough to follow through with purchases.  Engineer was very knowledgeable and responsive through the process. 

I have a friend with new Cornwall 4s in a room of the same size only more square

which is worse. Untreated everything sounded horrid. 

The speakers you have are designed to do well against the back wall so  you

have that plus. He added absorbing panels, diffusers, carpet and ceiling treament.

The room went from a hell hole to one with great sound.

Measuring will maximize the sound.

The general rule of thumb is to use the short wall, unless the short wall is so short you can’t get a good equilateral triangle between yourself and the speakers. 

Thanks again all. It will take some time to get the room finished but I will certainly check back in with results when the time comes. This is pretty exciting as my system sounds pretty great now unless the recording is just horrid  i even listened to some tracks from Back In Black last night that sounded pretty darn good now that everything is burning in  I wasn’t hearing that shrill harshness that was present earlier. The current room is a bonus room with the speakers facing the finished wall, and the wall behind the speakers and amp is the half wall for the staircase leading into the room  Initially, simply because I had the tv stand the opposite way, I had the speakers facing that half wall  Simply flipping everything made a large and noticeable difference  I can only imagine an enclosed and properly treated room