Dedicated room suggestions

Hi all. I have an unfinished room that is 13x16.10. 
My system is a Cary Audio Tube amp, DMS650 streamer and DAC. And my very large Klipsch Cornwall IV speakers. 
I’m new to the game and looking for suggestions regarding layout and room treatments. Wondering if the speakers should go on the 13’ wall or the other way around. And any acoustic panels that can enhance sound, how many and where should they go?
Thanks in advance. 


You've got great dimensions to start out with. Use the Bolt-area calculator to help.


@grislybutter yeah I pretty much went all in. I have no intention of trying out a thousand different options and obsessing over every nuance, losing 20k in the process. I wanted power, bass, speed, realism. Huge, room filling sound. It's all there in my present system. Now to maximize results :)

I initially thought that I would spend far less, but to my ears the difference between a setup like mine (lower 5 figures) and the 5-10k system was a night and day situation. So I dove in head first. I did get everything at fairly substantial discounts. Cary Audio and their sales are hard to beat. I heard a killer Primaluna amp, but found out that production is in China. That was a no go for me .Especially with the chance to support a business that is 20 minutes from me.

Read this.  It’s the best and most approachable resource on room design I’ve ever read.  I think chapter 11 may be of particular interest to you, but the whole thing is extremely educational and well worth reading.  Best of luck.

Earl Geddes is renowned for his subwoofer integration strategies and bass management. Thanks for posting @soix 

Check page 236 on subwoofer setup, that is exactly how I did it (opposite corners) and you can see the bass response for my subs in the measurements in my profile, it worked great. Earl is the man!