Technics SU-G700 Phono Question

Can someone help me understand what they mean by the phono input being digitized? Does that mean that I get a digital sound over analog? If so why should I even invest into record buying and just stick to Tidal and the digital sound?


No really, I don't understand what the Technics website says about how it digitize the sound, I guess maybe I don't understand what the process is doing? Is it adding its own sound(coloring) compared to a non digital integrate?

Everything is handled in the digital domain. There's nothing analog about it (until it gets to the speaker outputs). You say "digitize" like it's a bad thing. If anything, check out some YouTube reviews on it and it's bigger brother, the SR-1000 and you'll find vinyl analog lovers who love the sound it produces. 

All the best,

I downloaded the manual of the G700


it receives analog inputs and digital inputs. everything done inside, including Phono RIAA eq is done digitally, then analog out

Phono: is a MM input, sensitivity 2.5mV, standard 47k ohms.

The description indicates adjustable settings for phono, I didn’t see that in the manual.

Any MC, low output cartridge will need a Step Up Transformer to get up to at least 2.5mv for the G700’s MM Phono input.

MCHO, high output moving coil will need to be 2.5mV or higher.

Also: digital inputs: PCM ONLY, no DSD.


the RIAA Specs are +/- 1db, that is nothing special