LaScala dac with telefunken tubes

I was browsing the discussions the other evening and I came across a gentleman raving about this dac. I would like to here more about this dac? You don’t see many on market place ,and what do they cost ,Used? Thanks

Ag insider logo xs@2xjred57


I can’t really comment on the difference between the newer Gold Lion vs Tele (meaning the $50 tubes available today). I know this happened sometime after the Optologic version of the DAC was offered but not sure what drove the change. My Optologic was made in 2018 and came with Tele’s (which is why I upgraded a NOS Tele).

I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere that the Telefunkens supplied by Aqua are NOS.  There are new production Telefunkens being made in Russia by the same people who make the Gold Lions, which is also a classic tube brand that was originally made in the UK.

Does anyone know if the Teles are NOS or new production?

Not all TF tubes sound the same. I have a TF E88CC early 1960's, which sounds positively shrill - but I also have 5 E88CC TF tubes selected for HP, also early 60's, and they are far the best 6922 tubes I have ever heard. 

Although, for all I know, that E88CC may be a clever counterfeit.


The Telefunken tubes that came in my DAC were not NOS tubes (as stated in my post). I upgraded to NOS after the tubes supplied with the DAC had been used for 3 years.


Do you regularly try different tubes for voicing the equipment you own? Which suppliers do you use?