Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene Placement & Break-In?


I'm hoping to connect with anyone (who like myself), may have owned a pair of the original Joseph Audio Pulsars and who now owns a pair of the JA Pulsar 2 Graphenes. 

I have a small listening room that currently allows for the Pulsar 2s to be 2 feet from the back wall. This worked great with the originals, however, the Graphenes bass response is noticeably more present and now with about 25 hours of playing time in, I'm beginning to feel like the Graphenes need a bit more breathing room. While they sound great where they are with most material, they're sounding a little "boomy" on some of the more bass heavy recordings.

Unfortunately, my room doesn't allow for easy placement experimentation without moving a particularly large piece of furniture. Would appreciate hearing from Pulsar owners on what their placement experience has taught them also, can I expect the bass response to become even more prevalent as they continue to break in? 

Thanks to all,


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They are two totally different presentations. Both speakers have exceptional bass for their size, but the LS6's bass is fuller and more rounded, whereas the JA is faster and tighter. Beyond that, the JA is more detailed which in my system led to listening fatigue over time. I had traded my LS6's for the Pulsar2's plus some cash, but subsequently wound up selling the Pulsar 2's and buying back my LS6's which I still have. If you like the LS6's, see if you can find a pair of the LS5/9's or LS8/1's. I have the LS5/9's and they will take you in the Pulsar2's direction but without the issues I experienced, in my opinion.

@vdotman Thanks - appreciate you taking the time to provide your point of view on the two speakers. 

Beyond that, the JA is more detailed which in my system led to listening fatigue over time.

I've found JA speakers paired with tube amps to be wonderful.  My Perspectives paired with my CJ amps are super resolving, but smooth and easy to listen to all night.  (And I have super-sensitive ears in terms of listening fatigue.  I work all day doing sound and couldn't take a fatiguing speaker when it came time to relax and listen)