Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?

As the dust settles on the time the when the Benchmark AHB2 amplifier was a hot topic in the audio world, what is the long term consensus about this amplifier?  

Has it become a mainstay in the audiophile community?  


The Peachtree Nova 150 is not even anything today. The latest GaN amps from Peachtree are another level. The Peachtree GaN 400 is the exact same amp as the LSA Voyager.....same boards inside a different box. You heard the Voyager stock and modded.....so you know how good that is. The GaN 1 is a completely different thing. It is a fully digital input class D amp.....It eliminates your DAC, your preamp, your analog interconnects, all forms of feedback. This is the revolution we have all wanted. No more heavy boxes. This amp will drive your new Kefs like crazy....200 watts a channel. Of course, the execution in the GaN 1 is still not super serious. You heard what my mods did to the Voyager......even more could be done to this $2000 amp. The glory of great sound for little money. We need to rejoice! 30 day money back trial. You need a great digital source.....(not the Blue sound) for best sound....and of course, a great digital cable, great footers, mass damped weight on top.....and Inverter power so you are off the grid. Such a system will simply blow your mind.

It seems clear that the AHB2 is system dependent.  In my system it is perfection.  
However, I believe all those who find it terrible.  Their ears are not deceiving them.


@ricevs I do remember reading about this GAN 1 amp now. Now that you have compared it to the Voyager, I will believe what you say. Ric's mod of the Voyager was great. It was almost like the AHB2 for my ears, with more power than the stereo AHB2. Since I had the AHB2 I decided to sell the Voyager.

BTW - the AHB2 monos (what I use) are close to 400 watts (or maybe 500) without increased distortion as you usually see when you switch a stereo amp to mono.


The GaN 400 is the same as the Voyager......the GaN 1 is the new digital input only amp. The Kef Blade 2 Meta’s do not have that low of impedance and are 87db sensitive, so 200 watts will get you at least 107db. How loud do you listen?

Nice to see folks are enjoying their Benchmark amplifiers and that there is not a ton of mud slinging here.