What is Your End Game System?

How do you "measure" your end game system? Is it by budget, how much it cost? Is it by the luxuriousness of your build and room?

Is it by your components being either state of the art or unobtanium? Is it by the satisfaction you get when you are sitting in your listening chair?

What is your end game system and how do you know when you have reached it?


That Porsche shock tower looks like buildings I saw after an earthquake here in Christchurch NZ - the concrete pilings were driven straight up through the concrete floors.

Not as bad though as a Mitsubishi Evo driver at our Audi club meet where some wag turned the active yaw control off and went straight off the track on the first lap. Car was a write-off. Never saw him again.


You can get a Porsche Cayenne and an end game immersive audio Auro 3D sound system as a package deal:


One can argue that if there is a radio in it, then it is not a sports car.

Automobile sonics don’t compare well to a good room. End game is simply when one decides to stop changing out components, up until then it’s a journey of discovery and learning. 

Don’t know what the end game would be but a dedicated room with SoundLab electrostats, reference REL subs and current sucking tube monoblocks is definitely on my audiophile bucket list.