Graham LS5/9 vs Harbeth M30.2 and SHL5 Plus

Has anyone compared the current version of the Graham LS5/9 to the Harbeth M30.2 or SHL5+? I might have the opportunity of picking up the Graham.

I’ve done some reading and reception is mixed, as usual. Some say the LS5/9 sound warm while some say the treble is a little hot or harsh. Does the ls5/9 have better clarity and refinement than the Harbeth? Do they sound more exciting than the safe or boring presentation of the Harbeth?

Any thoughts on the difference in sound quality would be appreciated.


People swear by both. I would take the Pulsars over either.

My rating order:




All 3 are good choices though.

To me the LS5/9s are the most boring.

All said I own Fritz Carerra 7 BEs.


Don't forget in very much the same vein the Spendor Classic 1/2.  This is a close contender and might even be your best bet.

modern grahams are known to have brighter voicing than current harbeths... about the same as current gen classic series spendors

some upper graham models do provide tweeter attenuation though, which may help those who seek a more natural balance in frequency response

I prefer the Graham 5/9, I heard the 30.1 at a dealer thinking it would be my forever speaker, but really did not like them, felt they were projecting the sound too much in upper midband, I listen in near field position.

Took a chance on the 5/9 and must say I really love the way they sound. It is the original BBC sound, the Harbet’s are voiced slightly more modern.

A lot will depend on your amplifier.  I have owned the SHL5+ and heard the 30.2 extensively.  

Both can be end game with the right amplifier and room positioning.  

The Spendor classic sounds engaging at first listen but you pick up on a unique coloration of midrange tones after more listening.

Never heard the Graham but they have their fans, very few dealers.