Amongst the suggestions Neil makes for an LP cleaning process/procedure, my favorite new step is to pre-rinse the LP in the sink. I bought an item on ebay to facilitate that rinse: a product comprised of a pair of LP label-size clear plastic discs, with a handle to hold the LP under running tap water (at this stage of cleaning---and this stage only---tap water will suffice).
I use this step only for used LP’s (or unusually dirty new ones), to remove the dust and other debris often found on those discs. That prevents the dust and other debris from contaminating both the water in my ultrasonic tank, and the platter and brushes on my VPI HW-17.
I also have found Neil’s recommendation of Tergitol 15-S-9 (the surfactant made by Talas) and Liquinox (the cleaning solution made by Alconox) to be an excellent one.
For the final step, I don't care for or approve of "air" drying. Though I'm no longer in the California desert (dust is EVERYWHERE there!), I still prefer to vacuum off the final rinse distilled water. Two revolutions on the HW-17 gets LP's bone dry, usually without creating a static charge. For that problem I have and highly recommend the Furutech Destat III. More effective than the Zerostat, and far easier to use.