@tennisdoc56 +1 on the HumminGuru recommendation. I too was interested in an ultrasonic cleaner but didn't want to spend $3,000 on a Degritter or KL Audio. All ultrasonic cleaners basically do the same thing, spin a record in a bath of water, have a set of transducers to shake the dirt loose and then dry the record, Many have mentioned that the HumminGuru's transducers are not as strong as KL Audio or Degritter. HumminGuru's transducers run at 40k Hz and DeGritter operate at 120k Hz. I can't comment on which is better and by how much. There are many YouTube videos on this topic.
None are miracle workers and won't repair a record with medium to heavy scratches and if a record has lots of dirt or grit, you should first clean the record via a suitable brush before using any ultrasonic cleaner..
I decided to purchase a HumminGuru for $450 and am happy I did so. The HumminGuru is simple to use and I find it cleans records better than a vacuum based cleaner.
For any ultrasonic cleaner, you'll want to use a surfactant such as GrooveWasher G-Sonic concentrate to break the surface tension of the distilled water used in the cleaners bath tank. For the HumminGuru bath tank, 1 drop is all that's needed, so a $30 1 oz bottle should last a lifetime.
Remember to use an anti-static device as static noise can be as bad as a dirty record. I still use my 45 year old ZeroStat device with terrific results. Make sure to test it's effectiveness with the supplied mini light bulb which is basically a Christmas tree light.
Hope it works out for you.