Please be careful with high concentrations of IPA in water and use with a heated ultrasonic tank.
25% IPA/water has a flashpoint of about 80F; and no ultrasonic tank you can afford is explosion-proof. With an ultrasonic unit three mechanisms are now in play - the heat that speeds up evaporation; the record turning is drawing fluid out that is evaporating, and the ultrasonics are agitating the fluid surface and a mist/vapor is often produced. All of this has the potential to setup the necessary conditions to develop flammable AND explosive vapors. At 100% IPA, the lower and upper explosive limits are 2.3 to 13.2%. But, even diluted with water, at 25% water-IPA, the lower and upper explosive limits are 2.3 to 7.1%. In a common domestic setting, it is very unlikely that the high ventilation turn-over rates that are required in medical and industrial settings that prevent the accumulation of flammable/explosive vapors will be used. So, the risk in a domestic setting is higher.