Cables for low power amps and Horns?

I wonder if anyone has experience on what speaker cables to use with single ended and Horns type combo? Does calbes make a different with these kind of set ups? Cheers.
Cables always make a difference. I don't think one can predict what specific cable you would prefer in your particular SET/horn system. I have such a setup and I ended up with NBS cables, but, this was hardly after any kind of exhaustive search. At the time, NBS had several distinct series of cables with quite different kinds of sound (one series warmer, the other leaner and more dynamic). I went with the warmer series after auditioning cables from my dealer.

That particular dealer sells only low-powered tube gear, both pushpull and SET. As an Audionote dealer, he sells their cables. I have heard the Audionote cables and like them very much. Another brand that he likes is Snake River (I have not tried this in my system). This same dealer said that he tried the cables with a liquid slurry conductor (T.E.O., I believe) and like the sound of those a lot. He did not pick up the line only because he surveyed his current crop of customers and none were particularly keen on replacing what they have.

I also got to hear in my system the speaker cables from the turntable manufacturer Basis. These are very interesting cables -- the sound when I replaced my NBS cables sounded considerably louder (given the low resistance of either cable, it is hard to account for this subjective difference). The sound was, for my system, a bit too hard edged, so I kept my NBS cables, but, if one is looking to perk up the sound of a sleepy system, the Basis cables are a contender.
I will second Ralph's advice on Purist Audio Design.
I have them in my system, and my system is exactly like you describe: SET and Horns
My SET/horn rig sings with the Crystal Cables - and as a bonus, they're thin, well-shielded and easy to place unobtrusively.