Cables for low power amps and Horns?

I wonder if anyone has experience on what speaker cables to use with single ended and Horns type combo? Does calbes make a different with these kind of set ups? Cheers.
My SET/horn rig sings with the Crystal Cables - and as a bonus, they're thin, well-shielded and easy to place unobtrusively.
I have heard, at shows, SET/horn systems using Crystal Cables and the systems sounded quite good. I don't know what the cables contributed, but, it does appear that exhibitors with such systems are willing to use their product (a form of endorsement). My local tube system dealer has also endorsed these cables (he does not sell them, but likes them anyway).

I have heard a tube driven system (not horn-based) where Purist Audio Design cables replaced something else (sorry, I cannot recall what they replaced), and I was quite impressed with the result -- the sound was full and rich (harmonically saturated), without the downside that usually accompanies such qualities (i.e., the sound did not become overly murky and sluggish).

the cable that made the most difference in my system was the Auditorim 23 cable ... NEVER had a speaker or IC make such a large improvement in the sound.
I would be interested in peoples views. You occasionally see manufacturers producing cables, say specifically for tube amps. I have thought cables are either well made and designed or not, have synergy to ones components or not.

Do other people think there can be any substance to making cables for particular types of components, or is it just a marketing gimic?