JBL model L150 woofer cone color question

I am thinking about buying a pair of JBL  L150's.

My question is:

The main woofers ( Model 128 H )  cones are black in color instead of white.

I am suspicious that this indicates woofers are not correct and original.....maybe it has been re-coned ?

My concern ...will this affect the sound and resale value of speakers

if I am right ?

The model # 128 H is on the magnet of woofer, which is the correct #.

Asking Price is $ 1300.

Opinions please.

Thank you


If they are JBL replacements, no real problem. Another brand replacement and they will not sound the same. 

Most large JBL woofers are paper fiber cones that are easily replaced although you always want to do both sides, so they are matched, even if you are replacing with factory repair kits. 

@rocky1313 the black128-H-1 woofers are JBLs official replacement for the aquaplaz-coated 128H, which are white. its likely a current recone kit was used. so, the cones could be legit, even if theyre black. JBL stopped makin the aquzplaz recone kits a few years ago. there are some boguz guys, and there are a coupla people in the US who can properly do the aquaplaz. cant remember who he is.  i see quite a few L112 with the current recone. 

BTW, asking price is too high w/0 128H aquaplz coated woofers. 

i have a pair of L150s, and man! they are fantasic. 

  Check with “ Speaker Pros “ in Garden Grove , Ca. For years Orange Co speakers was the place we went for all our JBL rebuild needs. Unfortunately they’re gone and “ Speaker Pros “ claims to be the remnants. So maybe contact them and see for yourself. Regards , Mike B.