JBL model L150 woofer cone color question

I am thinking about buying a pair of JBL  L150's.

My question is:

The main woofers ( Model 128 H )  cones are black in color instead of white.

I am suspicious that this indicates woofers are not correct and original.....maybe it has been re-coned ?

My concern ...will this affect the sound and resale value of speakers

if I am right ?

The model # 128 H is on the magnet of woofer, which is the correct #.

Asking Price is $ 1300.

Opinions please.

Thank you


  Check with “ Speaker Pros “ in Garden Grove , Ca. For years Orange Co speakers was the place we went for all our JBL rebuild needs. Unfortunately they’re gone and “ Speaker Pros “ claims to be the remnants. So maybe contact them and see for yourself. Regards , Mike B. 

What does the seller say? Maybe he or someone before him got a rattle can and made them black.

Here's an odd bird I found on a closed auction listed @ Hifishark.


