To pricey

Hello was looking at a pair of B&W 804d or 803d but so expensive are they worth it.  ????


1. Buy used.  2. I like the 803 D3. You may not. Others here express their love and dislike of b&w. They’re all correct. Now it’s your turn to decide.

This has become so typical of posters here, most detractors never even heard the speakers or brands they often criticize in their home

Most here, in this thread, have.

Those complaining about B&W being bright and so on, please tell me which speaker doesn’t require careful matching with upstream electronics to sound its very best……

Good point, but-

It`s either you move on to a more satisfying speaker, or you spend more money on the components, upstream, to match them. I did this. I have a SS amp paired with a tubed preamp. My B&W`s don`t sound bright, as they once had, but wonderful.

I own the 804 D4 and power them with a Gryphon Diablo 300 using Transparent cabling, my source is a Lumin P1 and sometimes I go USB out via a Lampizator Baltic 3 DAC. I bought the speakers/amp/source and cabling from the same dealer where I auditioned multiple system combinations from the likes of McIntosh Classe Sonus Faber Totem Aurender etc. I agree with those above who said your amp won’t produce the sonic goods with ANY of the 800 D4 series speakers. I would stick with your Nautilus speakers and upgrade your amp OR if you really have specifically speaker upgraditis you might want to try the Spendor D series for a more neutral/warmer sonic character or stick with a more high resolution brand like Focal Kanta series that are easier to drive than B&W.

I heard the B&W speakers with McIntosh amps at Axpona and they sounded excellent. But if you are considering another brand listen to some Rockport speakers. Superb in every way. Good luck!



Listen to a pair of Focal Kanta 3s if you can…warmer balance, plenty of slam, and less $$$.