Is Accuphase a good match for my system?

I am considering changing to Accuphase amplification for my system.

While I have never heard Accuphase amplification and do not have an opportunity to do so, I admire their products and would like to add if a good match.

The system currently matches an Esoteric F-07 integrated with Sonus Faber Cremona M’s, and is further described in my profile.  The F-07 is great, and I might also consider moving up the Esoteric line as an alternative.


1) What differences might I hear from making a change to Accuphase?

2) Which Accuphase components (integrated or separates) might be a good match for the Cremona’s?

Thanks in advance for insights and recommendations.


I would think given the value of the components you are dealing with that a trip to a city to hear them. Make it a weekend mini-vacation. Schedule time at a couple audio stores for a couple hours of listening to two or three integrated amps… maybe Accuphase, Audio Research, and Pass. 

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i have not heard the esoteric or super high grade teac electronics for a long time, and it has also been quite a few years since i heard the cremona m's

with that said, i would venture that pairing accuphase with this speaker will be quite warm and very smooth up top thru the mids, with quite a bit of midrange 'bloom', and strong bass response.... relative to 'dead neutral' i would suspect the presentation to be definitely on the 'dark' side... which may be a positive attribute for a listener if they have a lively room or they like the music uber smooth and rich sounding, if perhaps at somewhat at the expense of a great sense of transparency and air/sparkle to the presentation

Thanks to everyone for your helpful and considerate comments.  If anyone knows of an Accuphase dealer in Texas or one that allows for home auditions, please feel free to further advise.

@lalitk -- Perfect, exactly what I was hoping to learn and I may PM you later.  See you have a fantastic system with Accuphase/Tannoy.  I also had the Marantz SA-11S2 in the past and really enjoyed it.

@westcoastaudiophile -- Thank you, very helpful.  That does sound like a sweet system--would enjoy seeing a picture of it!

@ghdprentice -- Tracking this and may consider Pass and AR as well as I have not heard any of them in person.  Just always had an initial preference for the designs of the Japanese solid state amps.  Thinking that the Cremona's will likely be my endgame speaker, so looking for the right endgame match.

@jjss49 --  Great description, I do like a warm sound with the music uber smooth and rich sounding so this would seem to fit with where I may want to head with Accuphase.  Prior experience is with Marantz reference series which I understand may be similar.

Any further thoughts or comments welcome.