Esoteric P5/D5 Opinions please

I'm just wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to listen to the above combo? How does it sound compared to the other models in the Esoteric range, like the X03se? or the X01D2?
Tboooe, yes you can!
On the D5 under setup: set RC > Enable
On the P3 under setup: iLink > PCM, XLR > DUAL
Word set to 100khz
Then you can use the remote's "INPUT " to toggle between the inputs on the D5.

A word of caution: I tried to use another iLink cable and it didn't quite work. You have to use a good quality(make sure its S400 compatible) iLink cable in order for the 2 units to handshake. Also with the units set to send the WORD data, it takes longer for the WORD to light up/lock on.
Henryhk, the Esoteric D5 would be great with other sources as well, I think Tboooe is using it for another source as well.

However you would not be able to gain the full benefits of a full Esoteric combo: Word clock lock - which reduces jitter and the dual XLR/iLink inputs.
cmk, my remote does not have the input buttons. I wonder why? Do you know the model # of the remote you have?

henryhk, I am very happy using my D5 with my Sonos digital music server. Let me know if you have any questions.
Tboooe, my remote model is RC-1156. Its more likely that this remote was meant for the P5, and that Esoteric intended its use for the combo.