Esoteric P5/D5 Opinions please

I'm just wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to listen to the above combo? How does it sound compared to the other models in the Esoteric range, like the X03se? or the X01D2?

Tks for reply. I'm thinking that myself.
Other thing about the D5/P5 is that one need to use two sets of balanced xlr digital cable which can be quite costly + two sets of power cables.

I think the x03se would be a better choice in the end rather than the separates.
If you're willing to go into that price range then you shouldn't waste your money on the X-03se; try the X-01 Ltd or the X-01 D2
If to get with x01 d2 i would probably just opt for the accuphase dp78 which is very nice as well.
Whatever. The point was why would you settle for an X-03se when you can afford better units.
>>why would you settle for an X-03se when you can afford better units.<<

No intention of starting a war here but sometimes value becomes a consideration. Player Y might be better than player X but at what cost and how much better is it?

Not all systems and owners, for that matter, are sophisticated enough to appreciate the differences between the X-03SE and X-01D2

So is the person buying the X-03SE "settling" or is he "value conscious"?