If you ONLY treat first reflection points I can barely hear any benefit at all. It is only when the room overall has enough treatment to quiet it down that the 1st reflection points matter.
That makes a lot of sense, and matches some of my experiences. Truth be told, even though I sell acoustic treatments I'm not necessarily as experienced with listening directly to the effects they have as many of my customers and other people are who have the means to employ extensive treatments in their rooms and experiment a lot. I have set up the sound room we have here with increasing amounts of treatment and noticed that at a certain point where all the walls were well treated and the floor was treated as well, that's when the room walls "disappearing" effect really started to work for me, making for a quite compelling listening experience. Unfortunately that setup had to be disassembled as we were getting overwhelmed with stock we couldn't move out because of a shortage of shipping containers. Right now the room is set up with a studio mixing/mastering AttackWall arrangement. That is interesting to listen to and compare to my recollection of the hifi setup. I like the AttackWall because it's clear, clean and precise but it doesn't create the ambient effect that the full room treatment did. I enjoy it but in a different way.