Hello, curious on everyone’s thoughts. I’m still building my system. I came across a really good deal on a Meitner MA3 dac. It’s from an authorized dealer and they offered to sell me one NIB for 7k. I have read and read about dacs and I am getting tired. Haha. I really like the Denafrips Terminator 2, Holo and the lumin T3 being the cheapest of them all. Once I factor in a streamer I am already close or over the 7k. Also I don’t need a dac for anything other then just streaming. Thank you 


@JERRYG123 - your product may have some of that but (not really) but I asked to send me a Holo May DAC which has none of that.  Big difference between the two products.  But when I am finished with the Holo May, it will become a reference DAC that competes with most anything no matter what price range.

Happy Listening.

Good suggestions all around, but at the end of the day, the OP would do good to actually audition something in his system, live with it a few days, then decide.  No matter how good something sounds in one person's system and room, it may sound worse (or better) to them. 

I hope you could simply ask to borrow the Meitner for a few days (they might ask for a deposit) from the seller. Kick the tires so to speak. Good luck!

Whether someone spends $300, $3000, or $10,000 on a DAC is not my business.

Life is short. Do what makes you happy. But know that as you go up the food chain you ARE doing socially good things such as helping people stay employed, helping engineers push the level of performance, and helping them pay their bills, and yes, make charitable contributions.  God forbid we ever live in a country where the government places limits on what you think you want and can buy, otherwise we'd all be driving Chevy Sparks, not that there is anything wrong with one.  

Also like my P1 the T3 has a USB out so it functions as a VERY good transport as well - I often use my P1 out via USB or BNC to a Lampizator Baltic 3 for a different sort of presentation, so in a sense you are getting 2 for 1 with the T3 - indeed, I just ordered a Gustard R26 to see how an R2R DAC sounds in my system!

i think these posts provide a useful perspective on dac choice, especially at a high level of cost and performance

what does one want? do we want a dose of vacuum tube magic coming from the dac stage? are we prepared to, and do we welcome tube rolling, dealing with tubes and their attendant benefits and difficulties? or do we want as much straight wire with gain ’neutrality’ from our dac -- or do we want something more reminiscent of high level analog sound -- slightly softer, silkier, more ambient, little more diffuse? of course this leads us into the key aspect of personal taste, system and room synergy...

what about features? do we want dsp to tailor the customize the sound? do we want or need dsp room/bass management from our dac? do we have a great linestage already or do we want to delete that stage? do we have extra analog sources we still want to readily switch in to hear? do we want more boxes and cables, or do we value simplicity (applies very much to running roon, with core, cleansers and so on... lotsa boxes and power supplies, filters) in box count and setup?

additionally, what user interface, what streaming service, what streaming source... all are critical considerations (are we apple ios folks or android...tidal or quboz or...pc streamer or dedicated or integrated... and so on) ... less can be more, or more can be more... each brings its own good and bad... convenience and ease, or ultimate in sound for that last 1-2%, but lots of work, trouble, complexity to achieve it...

@tomic601 - I've got an MSB Analog DAC with power base, too - sounds great!! I use that with my headphone system and a Holo May KTE for my 2-channel....