Static attack! Time to get the humidifiers going

With the temperature dropping and the heat kicking on that old nemesis is rearing it's ugly head again.  Easily noticeable on most records lately.  Especially today when I went to do some listening.  I have a Hudson hi-fi Anti static dust brush contraption set up and I think it does help.  I especially like how it dusts the record as it spins.  But when I went to throw on a record (Mahavishnu Birds of Fire) the dust brush swung over towards the record like a shot!  Hit it with the Zerostat (had forgotten to use it first) and tried placing the record on the platter again.  The dust brush stayed put!  Good to see the Zstat doing it's job.  

But, I am considering purchasing a Furutech destat in the near future.  Anyone actually use one with good results?  It is a bit pricey but I'm thinking it may be a worthwhile investment.  



@pkatsuleas I looked at the Hudson brush. Thinking of trying it as well as their Ultrasonic Stylus Cleaner. 

@rsf507 , there is no need to resort to that type of trickery. You can take any conductive carbon brush like the one made by Ortofon drill and tap hole through the handle and wire it to turntable ground. It will instantly discharge the side of the record that is up. I think the Hudson conductive sweep arm is a better solution because it tracks with the stylus sweeping any incidental dust out of the way. This is particularly important if you play records without a dust cover. 

Once cleaned, the only thing I want to touch my records is the stylus. So if there is a visible speck of dust or a skin flake on the record (a new problem since I now have GVHD skin rashes) I use a photographic blower brush (one of the big ones, like a Rocket blower). But here's the thing - visible dust will not blow off unless I use the Destat III first, at which point it is whisked away by the blower brush. It must be doing something!



You are very pretty. Well your system sure is. 🥰


If either one of you guys are in the Portland OR area, give me a holler.