Amazing how many people responded that don’t own, and never did own, Aria 936s. Guess what? I do. The Focals will be a huge upgrade over the Klipsch metal driver speakers you have now ~ better tonality, better low-end, more detail w/o the metallic-sounding high end. In your room, they might be a trifle bright, but if you are willing to put a second [large] area rug under your couch, it will help tame the highs, although I agree w/others who’ve already said, at the very least, get some curtains over those windows. I am NOT a fan of metal tweeters, as a rule [I have three setups, and the other two have soft domes], but these are highly detailed w/o the usual "metallic artifacts" of most other metal tweeters which I’ve heard. If they do prove a little bright in your room, just a bit of judicious tweaking of whatever EQ option you have on your receiver should be adequate ~ that’s exactly what it’s for.
Let me know how it goes for you!