Streamer Upgrade Bluesound Node To Aurender N10

Just got into streaming via a Bluesound Node running Tidal and Qobuz, streaming from an iPad Air via wifi. Very impressed by the simplicity, convenience, incredible choice of music and sound quality. My question is; if I replace the Bluesound Node with an Aurender N10 will there be a noticeable difference in SQ?

Rest of the system is a McIntosh C52 pre amp, MC312 power amp and Magico A5 speakers. I feed the digital optical output from the Bluesound Node to the C52. A/D conversion is done in the C52. If I do upgrade to the Aurender N10, what is the best way to connect the system together? A/D in the Aurender N10 or C52, type of cable connection between the two units etc?


Have you considered Roon? I am a big fan and would not purchase a streamer that did not support Roon. I’m not sure Aurender supports Roon but those owners will certainly give you some advice. I connect my Weiss 501 with a combination ethernet and fiber optic cable.

Yes… an Aurender N10 will make a profound improvement in sound quality. I own two Aurender and auditioned the N10. These are audiophile components and perform at that level.


Optical connection would be the least preferred. Coax input to the Mac would probably sound the best. USB can sound better… but this tends to be when the DAC is better quality than the streamer. So, in this case I guess leaving the timing in the Aurender would be preferred. But try it. I would wait to get high end cables until after you have it in your system.

@mgattmch Agree with the others that the N10 is a big step up from the Node. I’ve owned Bluesound, even upgraded to NAD’s M50.2 dedicated streamer which was on BluOS. The N10 will blow them all away.

In full disclosure I am an Aurender dealer. I highly suggest you also look into the Aurender N200. The N10 is a legacy unit, and the N200 despite its lower price has been stated by many to outperform the N10. There is another thread on this forum that discusses this, but feel free to PM me and I’ll be happy to chat with you on the differences.

You'll have to lose the airplay.  Before you go aurender, confirm that you don't ever want to try roon. Aurender doesn't support roon.

I use an Innuous Zenith mk3 streamer, a Roon ROCK, all hard wired with quality cables.  Jerry