New AES3/USB interface?

Hey all, I’m looking for a new way to interface my PMC TwoTwo 5 system with my MacStudio. I’ve currently got a Mutec MC-3 +USB unit connecting via AES3 (digital) but I’m having an issue where my PMC units will reset every so often during audio playback. I’ve had both PMC monitors and the sub replaced and I’ve since upgraded from an iMac Pro to the MacStudio — and still seeing this odd behavior. The only thing I can think to try is a different way to interface the PMC system with my computer.

My PMC studio monitors are active with on board DACs

Does anyone know of anything else out there that delivers the same (or better) options as the Mutec? At a minimum, it needs to have AES3, USB and DSD support.

Any help is appreciated 



I've tried all the settings. The only mode I get audio from is INTERN/RE-CLK. I unfortunately don't know much about this unit. It was a means to use these monitors with my desktop in my office.

MC-3 settings


Ok- thanks for the pic. I may be guessing here but from what I’ve read in the manual it looks like you might have missed a step when setting this up. If not- my fault but it won’t be any worst than it is now!
Have you tried “DE-selecting” the three reference selections and setting the clock output selector to the max sample rate that either is sent via usb OR that of the DAC within each speaker?

It seems that by having the three selections on the reference input column selected the unit is expecting a clock reference from the associated input on the rear of the unit. The manual is not very explanation of just how far the USB input will take you but it seems you’re missing a clock rate (unless that comes on when the unit is operating of course). 


I've tried just about every configuration available. This appears to be the only setting that gives me audio.

Also, I'm unable to have nothing selected for the Reference column and at no point am I able to change anything in the Clock Out column. When I scroll through the settings, that column is always skipped. I wonder if that setting is tied to a particular input/output of the device?

I think your thought process is correct with regards to the I/O. From what I’ve read it seems that the MC looks for a reference- and whether that’s via an AES/SPDIF input or an individual BNC Word clock input (rear input connections) it would correlate to the selectors on the front panel. My assumption was that if you’re using USB for signal and clock reference none of the others would need to be selected. I don’t understand why it would want another timing source if only USB was used. I’m assuming you had the Mac and USB all connected with a source playing while setting up the MC3? My question to Mutec would be “why do I have to select other input references to have audio throughput when I’m using USB as a source”.

BUT- there might be something in all of this that means the MC3 is outputting something strange to your speakers DAC and/or signal network. Just my guess.