Streamer Upgrade Bluesound Node To Aurender N10

Just got into streaming via a Bluesound Node running Tidal and Qobuz, streaming from an iPad Air via wifi. Very impressed by the simplicity, convenience, incredible choice of music and sound quality. My question is; if I replace the Bluesound Node with an Aurender N10 will there be a noticeable difference in SQ?

Rest of the system is a McIntosh C52 pre amp, MC312 power amp and Magico A5 speakers. I feed the digital optical output from the Bluesound Node to the C52. A/D conversion is done in the C52. If I do upgrade to the Aurender N10, what is the best way to connect the system together? A/D in the Aurender N10 or C52, type of cable connection between the two units etc?



Good point, not only wired Ethernet improves sound; the Aurender won’t work with Wi-Fi. It need a wired Ethernet connection either directly from router or mesh network. 

@lalitk Aurender will work with wifi using any wifi dongle with a Realtek chip inside. That said, I agree that this is not the optimal approach for the investment as the signal integrity can get compromised over the air leading to poor clocking and additional jitter introduced into the chain. 


Good to know there is a work around albeit not an ideal solution! That’s probably why Aurender don’t recommend Wi-Fi as an option :-)

To avoid the wifi issue. Get a cheap wall wart wifi extender and plug next to Aurrender. Connect extender to Aurender via Ethernet. Works wonderfully and sounds great with high quality streamers like the Aurender. Both my systems work that way, I know of a number of $100K+ systems working like this.


Solving this problem was what originally drew me to buy an Aurlic Aries G2. The wifi extender solved the problem allowing me to use Aurender streamers and improve audio performance. My streamer performance is at the level of my analog system.

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