Good day all. A few final thoughts on this, then I'll sign off. But first, @millercarbon - I haven't seen you in awhile. I think you encapsulated things best: "...I think a lot of what ails high end audio would go away in a heartbeat if only more of us would take your advice and go out and listen."
Welcome back.
I believe that the best any audiophile can do with an imperfect room, speakers and whatever source and source material they have is to create a facsimile of the real thing. (Note: I'm stating that as a belief, not fact.)
Yes, we can spend thousands, hundreds of thousands even, but to actually recreate a live performance? I don't believe so. OTOH, I do believe that as long as we don't lose sight of the idea that "the music is the thing" then why not enjoy the pursuit of the most pleasing recreation we can muster? That's why they call it a hobby, right? 😉
Happy listening.