Mutec MC 3+ and CTronic After Dark Clock

Just wondering if anyone has tried this combo and the results?

I don’t stream and have a very good Mojo Audio NOS DAC with a Sparkler transport I’m happy with. As with all things audio can my digital setup be taken up a notch this way? TIA



Won’t be using two clocks. Using an external clock overrides the internal clock on the Mutec. The After Dark clock is supposed to be better than the Mutec clock hence my question. 

So you would use the the After Dark as a master word clock. Mutec would be the input to your dac?

Yes…coax out of trans to Mutec with word clock engaged coax from Mutec to Dac.


I’m looking into a Mutec 3+USB to use as a distributor/clock between my Naim Uniti Core and 3 different Dacs. Just chiming in here to say it sounds like you’re really only using the Mutec as an interface to clock your transport prior to the Dac? I would try the Mutec’s clock first to determine how much improvement there is via clocking before making the extra spend on the After Dark. There may not be that much of an audible difference (just my opinion).