Mutec MC 3+ and CTronic After Dark Clock

Just wondering if anyone has tried this combo and the results?

I don’t stream and have a very good Mojo Audio NOS DAC with a Sparkler transport I’m happy with. As with all things audio can my digital setup be taken up a notch this way? TIA



“I would try the Mutec’s clock first to determine how much improvement there is via clocking before making the extra spend on the After Dark.”

Yep was thinking to do this in that order. CTronic  the After Dark distributor has a good return policy. Was just looking for some feedback from others who may have tried this set up. 


Can you provide a link to the CTronic  the After Dark you're interested in? I see several models, all look the same. Thanks.

The Mutec is a wordclock operating at lower rates than the After Dark 10m clock. The After Dark clock further improves the Mutec MC 3+ Mutec have their own much more expensive offering of a 10m clock for that purpose


I didn't check all the features of the After Dark, but since your dac doesn't have a word clock input, can it be used as a reclocker? It's a higher quality unit than the Mutec.