Why do so many sellers take offense to offers on their listings?

If you have the 'offer' feature activated then what's the problem with any offer. Comments like 'lowball' offers will be ignored just gives me a bad vibe. If your item has been up for sale then there is no insulting offer. I've made deals with people starting far apart and coming together. If you haven't noticed the audio market seems to have come to a standstill. Any opinions?


I'm with @mikelavigne ​​​​​​. I work in sales and price is usually the starting point the buyers use to engage and smokescreen. It's up to the seller to provide something besides price if they want to close the sale and keep their margins. I've made two fair offers to two different sellers in the last 30 days on a $4k amp and a $14k amp. Neither felt they needed to budge and both are still and will continue sitting on those items until they cut their price or offer something else to entice the buyer. I just personally won't overpay because they feel I should. 

Well I sold a lot of items on Facebook market place but ones in a while I get low ball Offer less than 50% off asking price lol 😂 so what I mostly do is click their name and block them for life 😉☺️🤣

I took low ball offers personal 

thanks to Google it’s easy to do quick research for selling price of most items out there 


I've been lowballed a couple times on an integrated I have for sale. It's not worth my trouble sell at a lower (than already fair) Price. I will keep it in the closet for a spare. It's their loss.

There has been a lot of talk about sellers egos but a low ball offer suggests one of several things to me.

1. That buyer is a Low Baller Phenotype(there system has $100,000 worth of retail goods they got for under $10,000). They almost don’t care what they are buying as long as it’s at a fire sale price. They enjoy showing pictures of their system and regaling stories of their incredible deals to anyone that will give them a pulpit.

2. That buyer is a Win at all Cost Phenotype. Their goal is to beat you in negotiation. They aren’t interested in a fair price. They want to win and want you to lose in the negotiation...great ego boost and they can continue to look at that piece of audio gear daily reminding them of their conquest.

3. Haven’t taken the time to investigate recent prices of what that item sold for. Their mindset is some fraction of the retail price regardless of other market forces like scarcity, age etc...

Bottom line is that I don’t want to deal with any of them. My prices are always firm, based on current trends, and typically slightly below market value. There are enough fantastic buyers out there that someone realizes it quickly and rarely do I have something for sale more than a few days. I want the buyer to "win" knowing they got a good deal. I win by securing a sale before the ad goes stale.

Have any of you ever used "stereobuyers"?  Full page ad in Stereophile.  I am trying to sell My Vincent hybrid 150 Watt integrated which retailed for $2000 when I bought it.  I was expecting $800 to $1000 for it as it is in Primo condition.  They offered $400!  I am still insulted.