DACs that do well without a preamp

I am looking for a DAC to feed my DNA-1 gold power amp directly, streaming Qobuz or Tidal from a Bluesound Vault. Budget is $1-2K; would consider used, if worthwhile. Current contenders are Benchmark 3 HGC, Brooklyn DAC+, Gustard x26 pro, Holo Spring 3, Musetec 004 and Pontus ii. Looking for clean, detailed, uncolored sound that "lifts the veil". What are the qualities I should look for to drive an amp well, without a pre?

I have excellent results using a Weiss 202 DAC with volume control direct to my tube amp.  

PS Audio DirectStream works well. I go direct in my secondary system and through a preamp in the main sys.

@soix  a DAC that uses transistors, or tubes for the output stage is not passive, it may not have gain like a preamp, but it's still has an active device for the output.



a DAC that uses transistors, or tubes for the output stage is not passive, it may not have gain like a preamp, but it's still has an active device for the output.

While that may be true, many of them do not provide enough gain to fully drive an amplifier, which is the primary issue in many cases.  Active or not. 

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