Do I need a streamer?

Streaming devices, with or without an internal DAC, seem to be very popular these days, so I am wondering if I am missing out on something.  I have Audirvana on my iMac that streams Tidal and music from my 8 TB external HD.  My iMac resides next to my audio rack and I connect my iMac via an optical cable (Fibbr) to my Aqua LaVoce DAC.  It seems to me that my iMac and external HD take the place of a streaming device.  Am I missing out on something other than convenience?  My external HD was a few hundred bucks and streamers a whole lot more.  The sound of my system is fantastic. 


There are means to get nice sound out of computers such as mac mini but requires much diy effort. I used three different iteration of mini's over the years, last one provided very nice sound quality, no complaints, could have lived with that one for a good many years.   


I agree that general service computer does not belong in high end streaming setup, self generated noise, lousy rendering, nothing you do post  computer will get back what's been lost in the noisy general service computer used as streamer. Stock mac mini is one thing, highly modified mini is quite another.


As good as that final mini was, my present streaming setup betters that by quite a wide margin.


My greatest issue with vast majority of off the shelf streamers is lack of processing power, forget about running HQPlayer or any intensive DSP, I bet many would surprised by what DSP can offer. Versatility of present setup allows great manipulation of digital bits, like having a number of different streamers and dacs in one system. I'd suggest custom build streamer is valid route for top flight streaming if one is up to the task.





Arguments about streamer versus computer are way too generalized. Many things contribute to computer sound quality and you have control over all of them. With streamers you get what you get. Most are good these days so little risk with proven products. But a computer can compete. But it may take some tweaking using good quality streaming software configured properly, drivers up to the task, Keeping the noisy computer physically apart from other sensitive line level or phono hi fi gear, etc. So do not buy the conclusion many reach that a dedicated streamer is always better. It may or may not be. DAC used always matters. It’s always a bad leap of faith to think that just because some reach a certain conclusion that is always the case. The devil is always on the details. If you want low cost high quality streaming consider a computer if you already have one. If you want to pay for a specialized device and not have to worry about it buy a good streamer. Need not cost much. Many ways to skin the cat. Google Cast and airplay on any good quality mldern device are also very solid options for CD quality and maybe more. 

A standard computer makes way to much noise it’s power supply and many programs running in the back ground , for the money buy a small green computer 

it’s just dedicated to one thing Music , add a decent linear power supply 

ifyou add a 2-3T SS  hard drive , it has Roon built in , from their Sonore 

which is very good and Fiber optic ,  without question I would buy a dedicated high quality dac noticeably more important sonically then the streamer 

and with a streamer you don’t hav3 to constantly have to turn on the computer to get Roon or QObuz,or Tidal .

Like others have said, get the computer out of the equation and get an inexpensive streamer to start with. If it doesn’t sound better, you can always resell it.

All the best.

I agree, don't write off the computer, but you need to do some research, learn how to optimize. You can pair down processes run by operating systems and power with lps, creates much lower noise floor. Computers can compete with or surpass off the shelf, requires knowledge. Can't or don't want to make the effort, get  off the shelf.