When using ethernet for hooking up streaming devices and dacs, what cat level of  ethernet cable should be used. Is there any sonic improvement by going to a  higher dollar cat 7 or 8 cable?


Ok I converted the Ethernet leg of my network that feeds my node (modded with linear power supply) to fiber from the router to 15 ft before the node with fiber and back to Ethernet just before the node, added a wireworld starlight eight silver Ethernet cable from the fiber converter to the node. This is fed by a Qnap nas on the other end of the house connected with another wireworld Ethernet cable to the network. I’m beyond myself with the change in sound to my system. Ultra quiet, very detailed, smooth and the only way I can describe it as analog like as it equals my turntable with koetsu rosewood signature. I honestly didn’t think it would make that much of a difference but thought with such a small investment about $65 for the fiber converters on Amazon, a $10 fiber cable and the used wireworld Ethernet cables I bought on used cables .com. @juanmanuelfangioii i kinda followed your experience on this. Highly recommended!

@dinov Thank you for the shout out and I am glad you are hearing the value.

Enjoy the music!

Sure is @jerrybj I have gotten a lot of great advice here and at WBF. Also some real bad advice here so proceed with caution.  

I would like to add my comments.

I am also using a EtherRegen. But I have the ethernet cable running from my modem to the EtherRegen,

From the EtherRegen I am then using fiber cable to my Lumin X1 which accepts fiber directly.

From the modem I was using a cat 6 cable, but recently switched to cat 8 and you know what? I did hear an improvement. It provided a more solid soundstage. No doubt about it.

So, I just ordered a WW Platinum 8 cat cable, so I’ll see where this leads.
