OPPO 105 VS Schiit Gungnir

I know it's sort of a lame question. That being said, the reason I ask, is I was going to buy a used Schiit, but saw a nice price on a used OPPO 105, and began to think about how much more I could do with the OPPO ( just audio no home theater ).

I was just wondering how much difference there would be between the two. I would assume that the Schitt Gungnir should be better, but how much ??

Thanks for any help.
I've played with the Gungnir and own the 105. For 2 channel the Schiit is a little nicer. However, it's all quite close and dependent on the rest of the system. I don't really consider the Gungir a worthwhile expenditure/upgrade since I own the 105 (I do own a Bifrost and put it on par with the 105 but differrent).
I think it would take something like a Chord Hugo or similar to make the transition worthwhile. So, what will you use more 2 channel or surround? The Oppo is so versatile too.

Necro reply here, but I now have this exact same setup and can attest that the Gungnir is a definite sonic improvement over the Oppo alone. I have the Oppo feeding a Morrow Dig3 digital cable into the Gungnir, which then feeds Clear Day RCAs into my (temporary but satisfying) Yamaha 801S integrated, powering two Reference 3A de Capo-i's. The Gungnir provides more depth and a wider soundstage over the Oppo's Sabre DAC, even as the Oppos sounded quite good on its own. 

My advice:  Get the Oppo and save for something better than the Gungnir.  Then, feed your new DAC from the Oppo until you figure out something else for the long haul.  The Oppo can even be used as a a DLNA media server with something like JRiver if you decide to rip your disks and go in that direction.  This is a route that I took, but I have further moved on.

I own both.  No comparrison the Gumby is much better.  Sorry but disagree with using the 105 to stream or serve.  Get a used Node 2 for streaming into the Gumby.  Again so much better than streaming with the 105.  Plus you have access to more streaming services.  With the 105, only Tidal.

I've previously owned both and agree the Gumby is head and shoulders above the Oppo's DAC. I'd also suggest considering Denafrips Ares II vs. Gumby for even a bit less money. A better streamer than the Oppo won't cost much either. microRendu + Gumby performed in a different league than using the Oppo to the Gumby. Cheers,
