Why do so many sellers take offense to offers on their listings?

If you have the 'offer' feature activated then what's the problem with any offer. Comments like 'lowball' offers will be ignored just gives me a bad vibe. If your item has been up for sale then there is no insulting offer. I've made deals with people starting far apart and coming together. If you haven't noticed the audio market seems to have come to a standstill. Any opinions?


There are times where low ballers will offer 30-50% but are prepared to pay much closer to ask price. I know this because when I ignore their offers they keep coming back with higher offers…but I still ignore them because IMO they are more likely to try to take advantage of me after the sale. 

Agon, to its credit has fewer low ballers than other market places IME. 

Actually, I do take offense at some low ball offers. Why, we both are smart enough to know what it is worth new and the depreciation value, but yet there are people who "want something for nothing" and I will respond along the lines, you are kidding...right?!

there have also been long, at times contentious threads, about what actually constitutes a low ball offer...I certainly have been watching enough items, that some do sell at very low prices, so I guess some will make many low ball offers knowing 1 or 2 will be accepted...some here care less than others what price they get, they just want to get rid of stuff...though since we don't know each other, I never think of it as personal or offensive, just business as usual...

@dabel my comment was about the reference to people getting mad about an offer that could somewhat be alleviated by them learning how to communicate better with other humans rather that being on here complaining or listening to music all of their spare time. I also don’t believe fully that music brings us together here, equipment does, it’s very different than music. Just look at all the posts here, how many are about music, less than 10%???

@mikelavigne , my first three cars were Hondas. 

I do not take offers and have a polite one word answer, no. I usually am selling something just to get it out of my way and have already priced it below Blue Book value. If audiophiles are so concerned about money they should stop buying silly sh-t that does nothing. They might even try building their own cables.