What a difference a setting makes.

I recently got a new turntable (Feikert,) Arm (Origin Live,) and cartridge Hana ML.) A whole new analog setup. I talked myself into thinking the sound was good, although I had doubts when I compared the SQ with the sound I was getting from the digital side. It was really great on some records (the equal of digital,) but the majority of discs were mediocre. Finally, I decided that with such good equipment I should be doing better. So, I contacted my salesman/advisor for help. He had initially recommended that I set the preamp with the gain at 58 and the load at 100 (evidently the standard for the Hana cartridge.) I kept it on that setting for several weeks.  
When I called him he suggested that I increase the load to 200. 
All of a sudden everything opened up! Almost everything I played had a presence it lacked before. The proverbial veil was lifted.  Records really did sound wonderful!  
I can’t help but think, that if I hadn’t had enough with the old sound I would be blissfully ignorant of what my set was capable.



In my setup the Hana ML with Sutherland 20/20 MkII LPS sounds better at 58/100. Table is MoFi UltraDeck. Although I admit I have only tried and didn’t like 200ohm load setting when the 20/20 was still breaking in. It sounded too full at 200, not as relaxed and engaging and was too much of a good thing, too busy sounding.
I can try 200ohm and see if it’s any different than what it sounded like in the beginning.
What really amazed me is the change in sound when I dialed in the overhang, azimuth, VTA, etc. using the Dr. Feichert Protractor. That was just mind blowing how everything just came together when properly set up.


Origin Live - Silver MK4A 9.5" Tonearm with Mounted VTA Lifter.

I just can’t believe the difference between the two settings. Every record I put on is a new discovery in sound that went previously unheard.
The improvement is not subtle, but palpable in just about every parameter
The music comes to life.

yes, using your expensive high quality equipment properly/optimally can certainly aid in obtaining a high level of musical enjoyment