Am I Getting Soft Here?

I’ve just been loving my stereo lately, this despite the fact everything is far from bank-breakingly expensive and is, well, at least a few years old. Right now I’m streaming CD quality music from Idagio and the sound is just glorious. Timbres are lovely. Sure, I’m listening to a modest. perhaps a ten person Baroque chamber ensemble, but there’s a convincing sense of image, dynamics and space. I’m not in the first row of the venue but I’m far from the nosebleed section or hidden in a corner. Hoping I’m not cursing things with this post!

NOLA Boxer Speakers. Primaluna Integrated amp. Cambridge Audio streamer. Interconnects, etc., at a similar quality level. But yeah, I was able to build my listening room pretty much to audiophile precepts, and everything is painstakingly positioned.



I was thinking about this and realized it's all in my brain. My ears are not improving. What gets better is my brain's ability to process the quality and characteristics of the sound. My brain compares the sound I heard before and I am hearing now and it teaches me to appreciate the differences.

Exactly. It's called learning and learning increases enjoyment! [FWIW, I like the word "mind" (the part of you with language, judgement, interpretation)  instead of brain (neurons, blood vessels, etc.) but that's a technicality.]


It is what you think about your sound that matters.

Nobody else.

Maybe that holds for you, but it was other people who helped me hear new things. If I was left to only myself, I'd still be listening to a far inferior system. They said things like,

"Listen for the 'soundstage' and see if you can tell the instruments' position on the stage."

Or they said,

"Listen to the difference between a clear, taut bass and a boomy/muddy one."

"Oh, now I get it," I said. "Thanks for helping me hear a difference I wasn't hearing before."

Turns out it was not just about what I heard. It was what other people could hear that I couldn't hear yet. They taught me to hear better. 

Maybe you think that every man is an island when it comes to the achievements of audiophile taste; in my experience, it takes a village.

Well it's sunday morning and after reading the postings on this thread I feel like I'm in audiophile church. Do I hear an amen?

As once was said in song. “Love the one your with” Enjoy, that’s what it’s all about!

OP, not sure if you were even asking a question that requires a response.  Sounds like you've reached a point of satisfying equilibrium.  Just enjoy it as long as you can, explore new music, share it with friends.

Miller Carbon you certainly are knowledgeable and know what you are talking about.  I will have to go to a local dealer and listen to a tube amp.  Wish was able to spend the money this group spends.  My problem is I have a gate keeper who keeps me in check.  I must say if I spent the money to upgrade I would feel guilty of being self centered and selfish.