Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?

Putting security and personal safety issues aside, do you share with others how much you have invested in your system?

I can see cases when we share with those who are generally interested what the "tariff" is for superb audio reproduction. Or, those who are already know how tall you have to be to ride the ride.

Can you think of any other reasons (accountants, lawyers, insurance, etc)? Afterall, when your spouses second cousin pulls in the driveway in their Minivan, bragging about fact that you have $10k invested in cables may not be the best way show common interests?

What say you?


I once told a neighbor I spent $1,200.00 on speakers (peanuts for most audiophiles) and he was shocked

@deadhead1000  I can relate. 

Good post and two points .......I have listed all my equipment along with the serial numbers as well as the the retail cost of each piece on legal paper. I do this so when it changes the list can be updated. However, in the event of a fire I also have pictures and all that information. So, the total cost of the system is there and is safe. I put that in a sealed envelop and goes in a fire proof box in the basement. I told my wife when I die that is how much the system and each piece of equipment x is worth and don't sell it for all that much less if you can. The heck with the rest of the stuff in the house 

Second Point .....if neighbors or friends ask how much ...which I personally think is rude, I give them the brand name and what model and then say ; go look it up on yuor phone or home computer. They never ask again.        

No need to tell, those who are fellow audiophiles know those who aren’t don’t care.

I once had a customer that put a $5k system in layaway.  Each payday he would pay a little more on it.  When the balance got down to about $2k he was there to pick it up, accompanied by the lady of the house.  I was instructed to let HIM do all the talking about the price, and keep quiet.  I quickly walked thru the system with both of them giving "a short pitch" on the system components.  When I was finished, he looked over at his wife and said: "See honey, that's A LOT of stereo equipment for $2,000, huh? "  She nodded along with him.  I took his $2,000 and loaded up the system.  And, yes, kept my mouth shut.