Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless


“ … Bitrates, sampling rates, bit sizes, wattages, amplifier classes…. as an audio enthusiast, there are countless specifications to compare. But it is – virtually – all meaningless. Why? Because the specifications that matter are not reported ánd because every manufacturer measures differently. let’s explain that...”





I am agreeing with "Good read: Why comparing specifications is pointless"

That was the clickbait headline.  You didn't bother reading or understanding the article saying and showing measurements are absolutely useful. It is the difference between useless "specs" and real measurements.

You asked me:

Who are you agreeing with, yourself?

and I answered in my post that followed.

Now you answer my question:

What is the point of having a golf swing panther DAC in a headless panther room?


The measurements you do on speakers is actually the least useful, see:

Nope.  They are incredibly useful in predicting listener preference of speakers in room. That is why those measurements are standardized.  And considered critical for speaker design.

As I noted, you absolutely need to measure your room as well.  It is just that the knowledge of what on there requires extreme care.  See for example this article I published on room reflections you talk about: 

You take Revel or some other good measuring speaker, put it in a room with hard flat surfaces and you don’t need a FR chart to know that it ain’t singing like it could.

What is the point of having a golf swing panther DAC in a headless panther room? You tell me...

I did tell you.  You need to spend time actually learning what sound reproduction in room involves.  Measurements of rooms can generate incredibly bad decisions especially when it comes to "treatments."  Ask any top acousticians what they think of DIY efforts and they will universally say they are done poorly.  And that people slap this and that on the wall, routinely creating dead rooms.  First thing they do is rip everything out and start over.

Audiophiles can learn to treat room modes however.  There, measurements do tell the truth.  Fixing those when combined with an excellent speaker creates wonderful results.  No need to go and create an ugly room full of padded walls and such.


OK, so please share the measurements of YOUR room so we can all benefit from how you address sound reproduction.

You state "audiophiles" can learn to treat room modes. Does that include you???

As for looks try this: