Good read: why comparing specifications is pointless


“ … Bitrates, sampling rates, bit sizes, wattages, amplifier classes…. as an audio enthusiast, there are countless specifications to compare. But it is – virtually – all meaningless. Why? Because the specifications that matter are not reported ánd because every manufacturer measures differently. let’s explain that...”




Yes it is pointless unless one knows how to apply the numbers properly.  

@amir_asr , I walked the walk, my "nodes" are fine as you can see in my profile. As for yours, IDK what you are teaching but apparently you still have a lot to learn.

I suggest you pick up a copy of Geddes book "Premium Home Theater Design and Construction", you don’t even have a decent room for your gear yet from that pic @prof shared.

As for Toole, come join us in the FR thread, I have some stuff posted that may help you get your FR straightened out, that graph @prof posted of your room looked a little sloppy, you are abusing the DSP, it isn't designed for a total makeover.




@amir_asr , I walked the walk, my "nodes" are fine as you can see in my profile. As for yours, IDK what you are teaching but apparently you still have a lot to learn.

In your profile?  You mean this?


If so, you have so much to learn.....


I have no idea what you gain from your deceptive site and posts. I like charts, I was a practicing scientist for over a decade. I have been a professional engineer and led large global technical groups and teams that evaluate and implement real world systems that run large corporations, high tech companies that produce some of the most advanced technology on the planet. But simplistic charting like you do completely miss the point of high end audio. You are not capturing the essence of the real problem but side tracking those that actually want to learn about this complex and interesting pursuit. You are adding no value for folks that are attempting to build great sounding systems.

Still waiting @amir_asr , if I got a lot to learn you say you are a teacher, get busy and post the goods, otherwise just more hot air, yada, yada, yada

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