Which power cords have high resolutions and separation??

Price to spend around $500-800 used.

Tonality? I don’t mind that as much but around neutral would be preferable.

Thank you all.


Someone please explain to me the design philosophy behind a power cable as a ‘component’ such that it can exhibit attributes other than a cleaner signal path? If it is not an active component (R/I/C) circuit then I can only have an affect on one but not all the properties. So I ask again, what is the design philosophy. And if there is none, then how does an engineer go about his hypothesis? 

MC! What’s happening baby! Good to see you here!


Even though that article you posted is a few years old, after reading it was when I got the idea along with comments from millercarbon and others to start a build of a Synergistic Research full loom. Very informative article.

Although I am curious to hear about a power cord from Infigo Audio when they are released to the public.

@lak if you like S022N & S032N, try (and be patient) with TCS31 (12awg),

smooth with excellent detail, speed and extension.

Most likely their second best (sonically) bulk pc behind DPS 4.1 (11awg).

Here comes the wire quality as @cleeds pointed out.


First, start with a dedicated 20Amp circuit with a whole house surge protector ($ varies) wired with 12 or 20 gauge wire and a Hospital Grade receptacles ($12 ea). Next get a good cheap oscilloscope off eBay or C-List and see if you've got any RF riding the 120V at the outlet, and if you are really properly grounded. If that's clear, any 10-12 Gauge power cable will work. But none of them can fix dirty incoming power. Everything else is voodoo physics and confirmation bias. 'Removing a veil' is usually reducing noise. "improved dynamics requires dV out > dV in (change in output greater than change in input. A physical impossibility unless you have an actual expander circuit in play (remember DBX?)