Mutec MC 3+ and CTronic After Dark Clock

Just wondering if anyone has tried this combo and the results?

I don’t stream and have a very good Mojo Audio NOS DAC with a Sparkler transport I’m happy with. As with all things audio can my digital setup be taken up a notch this way? TIA



Have a friend who had the Mutec MC 3+ and used an AfterDark Double Emperor to good effect. He used an AES/EBU cable to Dac.


He liked the Signature so much he upgraded to the Double Crown.


Have you had the opportunity to hear your friends system and what was being used as the source? I’m using a server as opposed to a CD player.

I’m hearing some say the improvement is really good and some saying the detail becomes too etched. I’ve been wondering about the outcome in my system- just not rushing towards it. Would rather here more from those who’ve actually experienced the result.


Unfortunately, I have not heard his system.

He has a Sonore Signature Rendu SE, upgrading from the ultraRendu.