Mutec MC 3+ and CTronic After Dark Clock

Just wondering if anyone has tried this combo and the results?

I don’t stream and have a very good Mojo Audio NOS DAC with a Sparkler transport I’m happy with. As with all things audio can my digital setup be taken up a notch this way? TIA




Unfortunately, I have not heard his system.

He has a Sonore Signature Rendu SE, upgrading from the ultraRendu.

Mutec MC-3+ ordered today. Will be using AES/EBU from transport and SPDIF coax from Node2i.

I wonder why they went with RCA coax in/out instead of BNC. All word clock connections are of course BNC.

When checking the manual it looks like “Output 3” (below the BNC for AES) is the one to use. Next two over from that are the RCA cinch coax connector and the optical.

Where did you end up purchasing from?