Pleasurably better, not measurably better

I have created a new phrase: pleasurably better.

I am giving it to the world. Too many technophiles are concerned with measurably better, but rarely talk about what sounds better. What gives us more pleasure. The two may lie at opposite ends of the spectrum.

I use and respect measurements all the time, but I will never let any one of them dictate to me what I actually like listening to.


If measurements of individual components AND of audio pleasure of individual listeners could be standardized, we end up with only one components in each price category and probably one reviewer who undergoes hearing tests before each review (LOL) I am of opinion that recording techniques (proven by the simple fact they sound so different, starting with fact that microphones are really different) and individual psychoacoustics (proven by the fact that all listeners in a given room seldom fully agree) can not be absolutely compared because they are what they are: individual by default. Anybody who think that democracy (regardless how you can agree to implement it) is the best system for audiophiles ruling their own principalities, is a dreamer at best and naive fool at worst. Coincidentally, the most objective reviewers and best discussion forums must respect INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES.



You can't baby, you can only measure lust.  🤣

Serious answer though is that there's a tremendous amount of scientific work on human preference and perception.  As you might imagine, much of it is geared to product development.


That probably goes to you and @curiousjim's posts above about garage systems and old receivers. If that's what brings them joy, so be it. They probably spend money on something I will never understand why someone would spend money on also.

Lol, my garage system is an old boombox. 😁