Streamer Recommendation.

Budget 7000US$.  (+/-)

System: Amplification: Luxman L 509X.  Speakers: Joseph Audio Perspective.  DAC:  PS Audio Perfect Wave.  CD/SACD PS Audio Perfect Wave.  Streamer:  BlueSound Node 2.I

I am limited to WiFi, due to my router location.   I would like a high quality streamer without DAC that will provide a noticeable improvement over the entry level Node.

Any assistance would be very helpful.




If you like music discovery you should really give ROON ecosystem a look, especially with a $7K budget. If you just like firing up an album and listening (Ron Popeil ,set it and forget it) then go with a one box solution.

Innuos Zenith MKIII . The Innuos app is fantastic.  I am a lifetime Roon subscriber but the Sense app from Innuos far surpasses the Roon environment, 

Here are a few Innuos awards if we are bragging about awards. 

I have no connection with Innuos other than being an extremely satisfied customer. 



ZENith Mk3 – Innuos – High-Fidelity Digital Music Servers and Streamers

Innuos Zen 3. One box. Two eliminated. Rips and Stores.

Under $3k. Spend your other $4k on an electrician running 

a hard wire.

Anything left after that. Upgrade the DAC.

Post removed 

I’d second the Innuos Zen Mk3 as, if you’re like me you can also rip whatever prized CDs you have that aren’t available to stream directly into it and have all your music available in whatever order from your chair.  With the $$$ leftover in your budget I’d invest in a DDC like the Denafrips Hermes, Gaia, etc. and run an i2S connection from that to your DAC as it has those HDMI inputs.  Just another option, and best of luck.