Sony Playstation 1 for a CD player ???

I'm using a sony playstation 1 for a cd player and it is a REAL SHOCKER!! I heard about how good it was over on Is anyone else using these as cd players too?
I bought one a couple years ago, it kept skipping. I then bought a second one on ebay. Same problem. Then finally a third cause they were so cheap. It happened again! I even opened it up to bias the laser as explained online. No help. The sound is alright, smooth if anything. The output is less than normal cd players so keep that in mind.
After reading this thread finally bought one the other day for $12.00.

I can not believe my ears. Really does sound as good as my wonderful Arcam FMJCD23, and WELL beyond my OPPO 983. The OPPO sounds horrible on redbook cd's compared to the old Sony PS1.

What a great purchase........and the who needs the remote anyway. I always listen to cd's all the way through.

For 12 bucks I might even pick up a spare.
Is anybody making a business out of modding these things yet? I love the smooth sound, but the roll off in the extremes gets to me, and there's more detail to be had.
10-20-09: Eugene81
Is anybody making a business out of modding these things yet?

Try user Rhing -- he's done some mods before. Read some earlier posts in this thread on his results.