+Cardas Clear Cygnus vs. Analysis Plus Crystal RCA interconnects
Past few weeks I've been intermixing both of these within my system too.
I was trying to decide to stay all-AP or all-Cardas having full sets of both. Looks like intermixing may be a nice option to stay with. Some interesting results surfaced.
-#3 Intermixing Cardas Clear Reflection with Analysis Plus Crystal ICs
-#4 Intermixing Cardas Clear Reflection with Cardas Clear Cygnus
Unexpectedly, in my system and for whatever reason, one of the nicest combinations is intermixing the AP/Crystals with Cardas Clear Reflection ICs.
Can't keep all of it but its been a fun test before consolidating everything down.
Intermixing works too, even designer Brian at Cardas suggested this to me once.
VALUE for the $:
Again [in my system] The Analysis Plus is the hidden gem for the money between these, hands down. If you like ultra smooth grain free sound with a large sound stage, these OCC cables are unique. A future test will compare these to Cardas Clear Beyond on demo at 5x the price. Kinda betting AP/Crystals hold their own.